Lazareff Le BarsLazareff Le BarsLazareff Le Bars

CIArb International Arbitration Conference 2017 – Paris

7 and 8 December 2017, in Paris – Final conference of the trilogy organised by the CiArb on “The Synergy and Divergence between Civil Law and Common Law in International Arbitration.”

In a little more than a week, the last of three conferences organised in 2017 will be held in Paris by the Charted Institute of Arbitrators (CiArb) concerning “The Synergy and Divergence between Civil Law and Common Law in International Arbitration.” This final event will specifically focus on different aspects of this issue from the point of view of European and American practitioners.

Lazareff Le Bars, a sponsor, warmly invites you to take advantage of this opportunity to meet with world-renowned speakers and to exchange on the subject and its consequences on international practice.



Full programme:—website.pdf?status=temp&sfvrsn=0.208576695468345


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